.||a a‘Sultanate of Oman ee Diwan of Royal Court Sultan Qaboos Centre for Islamic Culture ee we! Oe Aa TtSeeonsahs wa oieaN )rod hSOoe agIne =OoaS _¢:aeae Se eee —Wb ve Asa etesay ‘ihoe.Ge ~-bree -eeeS Pg eeae Senate Dedication The translation is dedicated to Sultan Qaboos Centre for Islamic Culture Islamic Information Centre Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious Sha’ban 17" 1427 September 10"" 2006 Director of the Administration for Information Planning Sultan Qaboos Information Centre, the Diwan of the Royal Court Subject: Permission of Publication, Printing & Distribution of the English Translation of “The Guide: Rulings of Menstruation & Postpartum” I hereby grant the permission to Sultan Qaboos Centre For Islamic Culture, the Diwan of the Royal Court to publish, print and distribute my English translation of “The Guide: Rulings of Menstruation and Postpartum” by Sheikh Bakir MuhammedRashiim on the conditions that the centre shall reserve the intellectual rights of both the author and translator (myself) and the publication shall not be used for financial or commercial gain. In case of the need to reprint the translation of the aforementioned book, the centre shall inform me personally in order to obtain a written permission for the reprinting. Many great thanks for your cooperation. Regards, Khalsa Hamed Salem al- Aghbari Lecturer, Department of English, College of Arts & Social Sciences Sultan Qaboos University E-mail: khalsah@squ.edu.om a The Guide -_ ann oe ee | ee eee tk e bt Rulings of Menstruation and ” e Postpartum Bleeding SDbeheetet Bakir Muhammad Rashim Translated by: Khalsa Hamed al-Aghbari © Khalsa Hamed al- Aghbari, 2007 All rights reserved. This translation may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by photocopy or other means, without written permission of the translator. Table of Contents Translator’s foreword............ccceceeccescccnceecesecesseesesssceeceeceoss Introduction by Sheikh Naser al-Marmiirl.............ccccccesseeeeeeeeees Introduction by Sheikh Farahat al-Ja’biri..............cccecce cee ceeeeeeeee Author’s introduction............ccccccccceccccccceececsececsecsteecesesseccees Preface: the verse of menstruation and reason for revelation.......... The importance of the issue..............ccccccececccececcceeecssceevecces Types Of DIOOd........ccc ccc cece cee cessccceeecsaceeesectecsevssesecececess Type One: Menstruation Reasoning behind menstruation.............c.csescccccescccsccececececsccesFf Definition and characteristics............ccccecceccecsccscsceces ee eeeeeeecess OAfh Rulings on non-menstrual blood Mucous discharges: definition and characteristics............cccccceceees Signs of cleanliness and purity from menstrual flows.................00O Menstruation Time and the Interval between Periods.................00—=- Waiting during menstruation and mucous discharges.............ccceeee Heavier and lighter menstrual flOWS.............cccccceccecscsscccccccceces14 Irregular bleedings................15 Relating menstrual time to relatives'............csscsccecescccccecesscescoes16 Imam A’rabi’ bin Habib’s rule..16 Advice for the beginner...............cecsccccesscccecscncccccccceccncceeeses17 A practical way for the beginner17 Type Two: Postpartum Bleeding “Questions and Answers” 19 What is postpartum bleeding?............:csscsssccessecsssesssscsssscessesessseeecsssseneree19 Who is a Confined WOMAN?...........:csssccsscscscsccsseecessssssssccesscsceesssceecessensees19 When does a pregnant woman refrain from praying fasting?...............++19 For how long does postpartum bleeding last?.................cccccccscssssssseesserees19 For how long is the waiting period last in the postpartum bleeding?.......19 How does a confined woman purify herself from her first postpartum19 bleeding time?...............ssssscssssssccecccccccecceccccceerececssesessesesssecceceecsesssccccessceess If a woman miscarriages, how long will she confine?.............ssccsscssesssees20 If a pregnant woman bleeds, what should she do?.................sscssssssesseees21 Prohibitions On Menstruation.............ccccececccccccccesccccseccccecescesees22 Sexual INteLCOULSe..........cceesecccccceccccccccceccecececcccceeeseccececececess22 Prayer and fasting............cccccccecsccccscsccccccesccccccececcccccccccesccees23 Walking around the Ka’ba (Tawaif)............cccccscccccceccecccccccccscceces23 Entering mosques and seclusion for WOrSHIpP...........ccccccccccecccecceeees23 Reciting or touching the Qur’an.............ccccceccecceccccccccccccscuccaccees23 Getting divorced...........ccccssscsccecccevseccccecsevssecetcususecesececsesecess24 Applying cupping or cutting related parts (e.g. finger nails)...............24 Combing hair, putting Kohl and henna and using Sewak (a wooden24 DIUSH)......cccccccccccccssccsscsscccsccccccccceccseeceeeeceseceeseesssessesseeesees Purification from menstruation and postpartum bleeding Time Of purification...........cccccccssccccsccecccecessceeecsceesssseecneveses26 Manner of purification.............ccccceesseesceeccccecceecteesnceeencseeeses26 Type Three: Prolonged Period Prolonged period blOOd............cccccessececccceeeeeeeeseeeessseseeseseseeee28 A woman who has a prolonged period.............cccecceceeeceeceeceeeeeeees28 Beginner...... cc ccccccce eee c ccc ccccccnscecccccccceccescsessccesecseceseesececees28 ACCUSTOMEG........cece ec cece cece eee eeneeee een eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeneeereeess28 PLEQMANL.........ccc ccccce eee c cence ceeececeececcenssseecceeseuessccessecescseescenes28 WOMEN 1N MENOPAUSE. .........ceccecccccceeecececcccscuceceeseceeesseseccasecess29 Purification from the prolonged period.............cccccsecsceceeceseseeevess29 Obligatory purification............cece ecceecc cece ceeeeenccccceccecscccecscceseese29 Desirable purification............cccccccesscscccceecescsssceeeeeecesessceesseeees29 Advice for women with a prolonged period.................seeeeeecceeeceees30 Crucial Rules to remember...............ccccccccccccsscesees se eeeeeeeeeeeeees30 CONCIUSION. ......... cece cccceee esse eer seen sense eeee sense ee sseee eee eeesseeeeenseees33 References........ccsessccccccccccesesse eeeeeee sees nese eeeeeeeeeeesseeseeeseeeeecs34 Appendix of Cautioms............cccccccccccc ccccccceecceeeececeeescsscscseeees38 Appendix of Tables.................cccccceeesc eececceecsececeeccesecesessceaees39 2 CCE:| os40 About the Tramslator. .........ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccscccesccceces42 ‘Aishah, the Mother of the Believers - may Allah be pleased with her - says: “The best of womenare the womenof Ansar'whose shyness does not hinder them from asking about their religious duties” - Narrated by Abu Da’id - ' Ansar are the people of Al- Madina who supported the Prophet - peace be upon him - when his people in Makkah had tortured him and his followers and thrown them out of Makkah. Translator’s Foreword Praisebe to Allah,myCreatorandSustainer.MayHiseternal blessings be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him - andhisCompanionsandfollowerswhohavealwayssoughtAllah’s satisfaction and approval. It is my pleasure to offer an accessible English translation to “The Guide:Rulingsof MenstruationandPostpartum”whichmeticulously answers the major private concerns of women.The author - mayAllah reward him for good- has succeeded beyond words in bringing the wonders of his experience and knowledgeabout the issues of menstruationand postpartumbleeding to the close attention of Muslimwomen.Hehas delivered his thoughts and ideas in a clear and elegant manner, elucidating the issues of menstruationand postpartumto the best he can through inclusion of tables and diagrams. The book, in its Arabic format, is very easy to understand and follow as it includes no complications. I hope the English version would be the same. The English translation is targeted for Muslim Non- Arabic speakers, thus,I wascareful, throughthe courseof mytranslation,to offera meaningful translation avoiding word for word rendering and retaining the major arguments discussed in depth by the author. In translating the verses of the Qur’4n, I depended on “The Meanings of the Illustrious Qur’an” By Yusuf Ali. As for the translation of the Traditions of the Prophet, I did the translations myself. I also included a glossary of the new or unfamiliar terms mentioned in the body of the book which might be difficult for Non- Arabic speakers. I encourage my Muslim sisters to keep a copy of this useful book as we are obliged to seek good knowledgeand understanding about these relevant crucial matters. I ask Allah, the Divine, to make my deed of translating this book exclusively for His sake and lavish me with strength to carry on with the faculty he bestows on me to benefit Islam and Muslims. Khalsa Hamed al-Aghbari, Canada, April 3TM 2004 il In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful May His blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad and his Companions lil Introduction All praise is due to Allah who creates human beings and never leaves them out in vain. He legislates rules of guidance for them. Those who abide by these rules are not led astray and those who abandon them are doomed. He sent us prophets who were bearers of glad tidings and warnings. They guided us to the evident Truth and taught us religion. May Allah’s blessings be upon them all. May Allah’s special blessings be also upon our Prophet Muhammad, the seal of the prophethood and all who have followed him till the Day of Resurrection. Knowledgeaboutpurificationsof menstruationandpostpartum bleeding is of crucial importance. It 1s also an indispensable matter for the accurate performance of acts of worship. People who are equipped of this knowledge are led straight in this life and the Hereafter. However, those who neglect them are doomed. No excuse 1s given to the ignorant. Allah has afflicted women of Eve with menstruation and postpartum bleeding. He obliges them to seek knowledge about the differences between them and rules which relate to each. Thus, knowledge about menstruation and postpartum bleeding is mandatory. Muslim scholars have done their share of explaining and classifying these matters. They have written about these issues extensively. May Allah reward them for the best. “Allah suffereth not the reward to be lost of those who do good” (Qur’an 18: 30). I have taken a look at this concise book written by my brother Sheikh Bakir bin Muhammad Rashiim, the obedient and trustworthy scholar. I have found it useful, well expressedand easily understood.A beginnercan understand it easily. Obtaining this book suffices to educate oneself about these matters. Our Muslim daughters need such a reference to answer all their concerns about menstruation and postpartum bleeding. I looked into it thoroughly and noticed that it includes our agreed upon Fatwas (Islamic rulings) and excludes different opinions of others. I urge Muslim women to 1V refer to it. I also encourage women who constantly travel to keep this as a great reference. I also ask Muslim women to regard this book as a guide that enlightens their way to the Truth. Those who Allah has bestowed light on are not like those in the depths of darkness. I ask Allah to accept this good deed from the author and reward him for the best. He is the All-Hearing and All-Seeing. The last of our prayers is All praise is due to Allah, the Cherisher of all. Nasir Bin Muhammad al- Marmiri In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most merciful All praise is due to Allah and the end is (best) for the righteous. May His blessings be bestowed upon the best of messengers. Allah, the Almighty,says: “And the male is not like the female” (3:36).Thisis a divineversewhichdispelsanintuitivefactthatis unarguable except by the disobedient. A Man is a man and a woman is a woman. They complement each other and by this life will be in order. However, blind equality or conflict betweenthemresults in chaos.Thebelievingwomanis theonewho experiences safety in the guardianship of her father, husband or any of her mahrams (persons forbidden for marriage). This guardianship should not be understood as dictatorship and oppression but rather as love, care, support and cooperation to do good deeds. We should not elaborate on this matter as it is not part of this book which we were asked to introduce. Its title speaks louder than any words. TheAuthorwantsit to be “TheGuide:Rulingsof Menstruationand Postpartum Bleeding.” It is no wonder that the author produced such a book. He has taught women about these matters for no less than three decades in his hometown “Baryan”,one of the villages of WadiMizabknownfor its abundant goodness. How I wish all the villages of the world would take this village as an example and specify places for women to individually learn about issues pertaining to them. Whocansay that menpartner womenin the menstruationand postpartumbleeding?Wehavetoacknowledgethattheissuesof menstruationandpostpartumbleedingarenotgiventheirrightsof explanation in the books of Figh (Jurisprudence) despite the chapters being allotted to them. This is due to the fact that men not women who always write about these issues. I hope Muslim women would pursue analyzing these matters as they are the ones who undergo them. Men only know about them but they do not experience them. Vi Such an urgent hope does not decrease the value of this book because its author is close to women and he is always asked meticulous questions with respect to these issues. Truly,theauthor wascautiousto keepthis bookconcise. This concision is, however, compact and comprehensive as he has done his best to extract complications shrouding these matters. Both the beginner and experienced alike can benefit from this booklet. As will be seen, parts of it take the form of listings and the other parts of questions and answers. Whatelucidates these issues even more are the tables, cautions and rules which extract the basics and highlight them. MayAllah make this ‘guide’ a true guidance and grant the author success to benefit Muslims from his experience. Farahat bin Ali al- Ja’biri. Vil Author’s introduction All praise is due to Allah, the Creator and Cherisher of all and may His blessings be bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad and his Companions. I wasurged to produce this book whichdeals with the rules of menstruation and postpartum bleeding. Before embarking on this difficult task, I hesitated a lot. However, I reconsidered the suggestion as | realized that the issue of menstruation and postpartum bleeding is shrouded in obscurity and is less understood by some women. Undoubtedly, it is an indispensable aspect of Figh (Jurisprudence) which raises concerns and questions and is considered a bigreferencein Figh.Thus,I reliedontheAlmightyAllahand commenced to accomplish the request. May Allah guide me to the Right Path. I called this booklet ‘The Guide’ so that it guides to what has been obscured in the issues of menstruation and postpartum bleeding. I made sure it 1s compact, easy to follow, detailed and comprehensive. I includedall thecrucial,indispensablemattersof menstruationand postpartum bleeding. I dispensed with the rare cases so that the book will not go beyond its major topics. As for the questions concerning these issues, I was meticulous to relate to the established Fatwas (Islamic rulings), being cautious to take authentic rules pertaining to our divine religion. I also did my utmost to extractFatwas(Islamicrulings)fromthebasicFigh(Jurisprudence) references which I will include in the bibliography so that interested readers can refer to them. Readers will also find - by Allah’s will - general rules. I hope they will pay attention to them and commit them to memory so that they educate themselves about this subject. My hope is that all Muslim women obtain a copy of this book and read it thoroughly. Moreover, I hope Muslim women especially those who Vill travel abroad as they have no one to consult about their religious duties will apply it. I acknowledge all the efforts made by those who have helped me in the course of writing this book and producing it in this elegant way and professional typing. May Allah reward them for the best. MayAllah grant us success and bestowon us His guidanceand mercy. The Author 1X Preface The Verse of Menstruation and the Reason for its Revelation Allah, the Exalted says in the Qur’an:“Theyask you concerning women’s courses. Say: They are a hurt and pollution: so keep away from women in their courses, and do not approach them until they are clean. But when they have purified themselves, you may approach them as ordained for you by Allah for Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean”. (2: 222) In pre-Islamic paganism, Jews and Arabs exaggerated in dealing with menstruatingwomento the extent that they forbade living, eating, and socializing with them during their periods. Christians, on the other hand, had an opposite stance. Their corrupt behavior took them as far as allowing sexual intercourse with women while in their menstruation. Thedifferencein dealing with menstruatingwomenexpressed by these parties has arisen concerns from Muslims. To inform Muslims about menstruationAllah,the Almighty,revealed the verse:“Theyask you concerning women’scourses”: Oh, Muhammad,they ask you about the social intercourse with women who have their periods. - “Say: They are a hurt and a pollution” means menstruation is harmful. - “so keep away from women in their courses”: refrain from having a sexual intercourse with them while in their periods. Prophet Muhammad- peace be upon him - said: “you are ordered by Allah to only refrain from having a sexual intercourse with them.” - “and do not approach them until they are clean” which means do not have sexual contact with them until their discharge runs clear. - “Butwhentheyhavepurifiedthemselves”meanswhentheyclean themselves with pure water. - “you may approach them as ordained for you by Allah” means you can have sexual intercourse with them as Allah has ordained it to you, which is for the purpose of progeny. - “for Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean” Allah loves those who repent from bad deeds and those who purify themselves from dirtiness. The Importance of This Issue Knowledgeabout menstruation and postpartum bleeding is of great importance to women from the religious and worldly aspects of their life. Religious: accurate performance of praying, fasting and pilgrimage, which are the pillars of Islam and acts of worship, entails understanding the issues pertaining to menstruation and postpartum bleeding. Furthermore, Islamic laws on puberty, divorce, ‘idat (a period of waiting during which a widow or divorcee may not remarry) and sexual intercourse depend largely on the understanding of menstruation and postpartum bleeding. Worldly:menstruationindicates thebeginningortheendofthe reproductive life of women. It is also a sign of pregnancy. Therefore, Muslim women have to seek knowledge about the Islamic rulingson menstruationand postpartumbleeding. Theyare obligedto educate themselves about what is expected of them during these periods, so that they ensure that their religious duties are governed by Islam’s rulings and their worldly life is complemented by the knowledge and full awareness of these crucial issues. Types of Blood Women experience three types of blood in their life: 1.Menstruation blood 2.Postpartum blood 3.Prolonged period Women are supposed to draw a clear distinction between these three types of blood since each has its own specific rulings. Type One: Menstruation Reasoning Behind Menstruation Prophet Muhammad - may All&ah’s blessings be upon him - said: “AJl&ah (SWT) prescribed menstruation on Adam’s daughters”. Allah (SWT) creates blood secretion in females to enhance the development of the fetus in their wombs. “So blessed be Allah, the Best to create”. (23: 14) If Allah has not predetermined the development of a fetus in the womb, that blood secretion becomes harmful excess. The womb gets rid of it outside the body; otherwise, women are physically harmed. Definition and Characteristics of Menstruation Linguistically: menstruation means flowing. Fromthe Islamic Law(Shari’a) perspective:menstruation is a black, thick, foul-smelling blood which flows on its own from an adolescent’s vulva while healthy and has not yet reached menopause. Menstruation lasts from three to ten days. - Black, thick, smelly blood:It has a distinguishable bad smell. Prophet Muhammad- may Allah’s blessings be upon him - said: “menstruation blood is thick, black and has a bad smell”. He - peace be upon him - said: “the blood of menstruation is black and is distinguishable”. - Flows on its own: menstruation blood flows naturally without having to search for it or forcefully cause it to come out. 4 - Froman adolescent’s vulva: menstruation flows from a girl’s vulva at the age of puberty or around nine years old (the very beginning of puberty). - Not in menopause: menopause is about sixty years old. Sheikh Itfish said: “that (sixty years) is the right estimation” - In a healthy condition: menstruation flows not of sickness, giving birth or first sexual intercourse. - From three to ten days: If blood flows for less than three days, it is not considered menstruation. What’s more, if it lasts more than ten days, it is a prolonged period which has its special rulings. Anas bin Malik reports that our Prophet - peace be upon him - said: “menstruation does not last for less than three days and more than ten days”. Caution (1): For a woman to know that she has a menstrual flow, she wipes with a piece of clothing on her vulva from left to nght while between a standing and sitting position. Rulings on Non-Menstrual Bloods Notall bloodwhichflowsfromwomenor is seenbythem is consideredto be menstruation.Womenhaveto ensurethat the blood flowing from them has all the three characteristics mentioned earlier. Any blood, which lacks one of the characteristics attributed to menstruation, is known as ‘non-menstrual bloods’. Non-menstrual bloods are divided into two types; each has its special rulings as illustrated in tables (A) and (B). Type (1) Womenshould not refrain from praying or fasting if they have the following non-menstrual bloods. It goes without saying that these bloods are not to be considered as menstruation. Type (A)Type (B) ¢ Bloods that are not regarded as¢ Bloods that are not regarded as menstruation because they do not flow | menstruation because they do not flow in the regular time of menstruation.from women’s vulva. These have their own rulings:(1) Blood seen in the thigh. (1) Blood seen in childhood.(2) Blood seen in the shirt. (2) Blood seen in menopause.(3) Blood seen in a place women sit on (3) Blood seen during pregnancy.for a while. (4) Blood seen if the interval between | (4) Yellow spots turning into red with periods 1s less than ten days.time. (5) Blood seen as a consequence of sickness or injury. Table A Type (2): Non-Menstrual Blood Non-menstrualbloodsthat are not consideredmenstruationunless they meet two conditions. These are divided into two types; each has its own specifications. Type (A)Type (B) ¢ Bloods that are not regarded as¢ Bloods that are not regarded as menstruation unless they continue aftermenstruation unless they last more than the reason they flow for ends:three days. If continuing for three days, (1) Blood seen in fear.they are to be regarded as menstruation. (2) Blood seen as a result of carrying(1) Blood seen while taking oral heavy loads.medication. (3) Blood seen after riding a bike or(2) Blood seen as a result of the first animals (donkeys and horses)sexual intercourse (breaking the (4) Blood seen as a result of jumping.hymen). (5) Blood seen after normal sexual(3) Blood seen after breaking of the intercourse (not the first one)hymen and opening the menstruation outlet on their own. Table B Mucous Discharges (Vaginal Secretions) Thewombmightsecretedischarges or fluidswhichareneither menstruation nor non-menstrual bloods. These discharges are called mucous discharges (mucous dirty secretions) that flow during menstruation and in- between periods. Definitions: Mucous discharges are divided into five types. Yellowsecretion(yellowdischarge):a weakenedformof blood(like plasma) that turns into yellow. Murky secretion: a discharge between black and white; resembles adirty, muddy water. Scant brown discharge: water which looks like sand in appearance. Blood clot: a clot of thick, frozen blood. Vaginal Dryness: When the discharge runs clear and menstruation finishes, menstruating women experience dryness. Rulings pertaining to these discharges: They have two states: The first state: If a woman experiences the above-mentioned discharges after or during the menstruation period- from three to ten days- then she ascribes the rulings of menstruation to them. She does not clean herself until her discharge runs absolutely clear or she experiences milky discharge (the white, vaginal discharge, leukorrhea). ‘Aishah - may Allah be pleased with her - narrated that the Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him- said: “women do not clean from menstruation until they experience the milky discharge (the whites)” The second state: If a woman has these discharges after she cleans, then she should consider them clean. She does not refrain from praying and fasting. Um‘tayah said: “We never considered yellowish discharge as a thing of importance (as menses). Caution (2): If these mucous discharges flow after the monthly period is over and the woman’s discharge does not run clear yet, then she has to wait. The waiting period will be explored in-depth later. 8 Signs of Cleanliness and Purity from Menstrual Flow Allah, the Almighty, says in the Qur’an: “Keep away from women in their coursesand do not approach them until they are clean” whichis interpreted as ‘until they purify themselves’. - Signs of Cleanliness: TheMilkyDischarge(the Whites):this is a very milkyandwatery secretionthata womanconsidersasa signto hercleanlinessfrom menstruation provided that it flows from the same place that menstruation flows from. Themilkydischargeisthestrongest,unquestionablesignof cleanliness- in our estimation. Vaginal Dryness: dryness happens when menstruation completely finishes and the place of blood secretion (vulva) becomes pure and clear. If a woman places cotton on the vulva, it will not get stained. This is an indicator of cleanliness for women who normally clean by dryness instead of experiencing the milky discharge (the whites). Moreover, scholars unanimously agree that it can be taken as a sign for purity and cleanliness.Ibn Abbasnarrated that Prophet Muhammad- may Allah’s blessings be upon him - said: “Women are obliged to wash and purify when menstruation ends” Caution(3): If womenwho normally experience vaginal dryness get the milky discharge (the whites) at one period, then they should go for it and purify as the milky discharge is considered as a strong, unquestionable sign of cleanliness. Caution(4): Womenshould not cause the milky discharge to flow by basically searching for it. Moreover, they should not intentionally cause menstruationto flow so that they can refrain from praying and fasting meanwhile.Sheikh Itfish - may Allah rest his soul in Heaven -said: “if menstruation is seen but never flows and a woman searches for it to cause it to flow, she is entitled to harsh penance”. Moreover, she should not pray because of a searched milky discharge. If she causes the milky discharge to come out, she is entitled to a harsh penance as well. 10 Menstruation Time and the Interval Between Periods 1. Womenare obliged to know the minimum and maximum number of menstruation days. The minimum number of menstruation days is three and the maximumis ten days if her discharge does not run clear in between. Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him - said: “menstruation does not last for less than three days and more than ten days”. 2. If she experiences blood for less than three days, she should not consider this as menstruation.If she happensto have refrained from prayingor fasting during that time, then she has to make up for all the prayers and fasting she missed. This is because she has come to realize that it is not menstruation that she thought she had. 3. If blood flows for more than ten days, then that blood is a prolonged period and not menstruation. Prophet Muhammad- peace be upon him - said: “menstruation is only ten days, if continued more than ten days, then it is a prolongedperiod”.In this case,womenhaveto wait as will be demonstrated. 4. Womenshould keep written records of their periods. Usually, if they experience fixed timing of bleeding, then that should be considered as their regular fixed period time in the future. Caution (5): a day of menstruation is calculated from one hour to another. For example, from eight o’clock of this morning to eight o’clock tomorrow morning should be counted as one day. Sheikh Itfish - may Allah rest his soul in Heaven - said: “I can not bear ignoring a second of my life without counting it as I know it is part of my life. The first moment of menstruation is the time when a woman first bleeds, be it night or morning. From that particular moment to the same next day is counted as a day. If menstruation comes at night, then that night together with the night of the second day shall be counted as a day” Caution (6): If a woman gets used to a regular menstruation time, then she should remember it and keep a written record of it so that she never forgets 11 it. This time definitely is an indicator of when to refrain from and resume praying. It is also a core element for a set of rulings. The Interval Between Periods (Cleanliness Time) 1. The interval between periods lasts at worst for ten days and at best up to sixty days. 2. Womenas they are entitled to knowthe time and durationof their menstruation period should also care about when and for how long their interval between bleedings lasts, between the ten and sixty days mentioned above. 3. Theinterval betweenperiodsmayvary considerably.Forexample,a woman might pray for twenty days; thus, she considers her interval time between periods to be twenty. Sometimes,she prays twenty-twodaysthen menstruationflows.Other times, she prays eighteen days and then she bleeds. In this case, she can take all these times as tentative and potential times for her interval between regular bleedings. Caution (7): Women might have doubts about the times of their periods and interval between periods because of a sickness or forgetfulness. Therefore, they can not remember their exact times. In this case, they should ask one of their relatives about their period and interval between periods and do like them- Allah knows best. 12 Waiting Time During the Period and Mucous Discharges . 1. Waiting time is the period that a woman adds to her period days if blood continuesto flowor if she experiencesany of the mucousdischarges described earlier after her usual period days are over. 2. Waiting with a flow of pure blood is two days. 3. Waiting with the mucous discharges is a day and a night (24 hours) 4. Women with respect to the waiting period are of two types: Beginner:is a womanwhobleeds for the first time. If blood continues flowing and her discharge does not run clear after ten days are over, she waits for two days. Then, she cleans herself and prays. If she experiences mucous discharges and these continue after the ten days are over, she has to wait for a day and night (24 hours). Then, she purifies and prays. Accustomed: is a woman who has already established a regular time as her periodtime.If bloodcontinuesto flow until after her usual daysare complete,she waitsfor twodays and then prays. As for experiencing mucous discharges after her regular days are over, she waits for a day and night. Caution (8): The waiting period starts from the moment the woman's usual time for menstruation is over. The menstruating womanbegins counting from that moment to the same moment the following day as one day- be it a day or night. To illustrate, she counts from a specific hour to the same hour the next day as she does in the menstruation time. Caution (9): If a woman is on the waiting period with blood, then, if the blood stops and she has mucous discharges before the two days of waiting are over, she continues the whole two days and then cleans and prays. Caution (10): If a woman is on the waiting period with mucous discharges, then, if the blood flow resumes before the day and night are over, she has to wait for two days because it is mandatory to consider blood as stronger evidence of menstruation than mucous discharges alone. 13 Heavier and Lighter Menstrual Flows ]. Heavier menstrual flow happens when the menstruation period becomes heavier than regular and menstruating women add more days to her regular period days. The interval between periods becomes shorter. 2. Lighter menstrual flow happens when menstruation bleedingbecomes lighter than regular and menstruating women drop down her usual number of menstruation days. The interval between periods is longer. 3. A woman’s period time is said to become heavier or lighter when her menstrual flow bears the same characteristics of menstruation since blood and not the mucous discharges decides heavier and lighter menstrual flows. 4. Heavier menstrual flow is established after three menstruation bleedings as it signals fewer prayers and fastings. Lighter menstrual flow, on the other hand, is decided after only two period times as it is moreprayersand fastings. 5. Heavier and lighter menstrual flows take place between the minimum and maximum number of menstruation days, which are three to ten days. Howdoes a womanknow that her menstruation is now heavier than regular? I will provide the following example: A woman who normally bleeds for seven days has her period for eight days one time. After eight days, her discharge runs clear. If this happens to her two more subsequent times, then as a future reference, she considers her menstruationdays as eight and not seven and she cancels her previous calculations. Howdoesa womanknowthathermenstruationis nowlighter? Similarly, I will provide the following example: A woman who normally bleeds for eight days gets the milky discharge after the six day once. Then, she cleans and prays because the milky discharge is a strong, unquestionable indicator for cleanliness. If she experiences this for twoconsecutivetimesin herfutureperiods, thensheconsidersher menstruation days to be for six days and she cancels the eight days. 14 Irregular and intermittent bleeding 1. Irregular and intermittent bleeding relates to the beginner who bleeds for the first time.Shehas not yet had a regular time of menstruation and cleanliness. 2. An irregular and intermittent menstrual bleeding lasts for two days and irregular postpartum bleeding lasts for three days. 3. Irregular and intermittent bleeding is constrained with the flow of pure blood and not with discharges. Example:[ will explain how irregular and intermittent bleedings happen then illustrate it in the diagram below. If a beginner bleeds for two days and then her discharge runs clear, then she cleans and prays. Then, if she bleeds on the sixth day before completing the ten days of cleanliness and she continues bleeding till the ninth day and on the tenth day her discharge runs clear for the second time, her period is characterized by irregular spottings. She adds up the four days she bleeds on to the first two days and establishes six days as her period days. 1 |Twodays blood7 3 +Three days cleanliness4 5 |6 7 Four days blood <8 9 ;10 Cleanliness Table C 15 Note: The first two days: are established as period days. The last four days: are joined to the first two days of period. Caution (11): A woman does not make up for the prayers of the days that she has established as her period days (example, the two days demonstrated above). Caution (12): Irregular bleeding is rare. If a woman has it, then she should consult religious scholars. Relating Menstrual Time to Relatives' Relating menstrual time to relatives’ refers to a beginner who can not determine her period and cleanliness times. She has to relate the times of her period and cleanliness to a relative of hers like her mother or aunt. However, what is applied in our case is the rule of Imam A'-Rab?i’ bin Habib - may Allah be pleased with him - which is “any blood seen after ten days of praying is menstruation”. Applying this rule does not take effort for women because of its straightforwardness - Allah knows best. Explanation of This Rule If the discharge of a woman runs clear so she cleans and prays, then she bleeds on the seventh day of the prescribed ten days. She does not consider this as menstruation and never gives up praying and fasting. She prays till she completes the ten days. Fifty prayers are the minimum number of prayers for each interval between periods. If she continues bleeding afterwards(aftertendaysof praying),shethen considersthis as menstruation. This follows from the rule: “any blood seen after ten days of praying 1s menstruation”. 16 Advice for the Beginner Dear Muslim girl, you are obliged to learn about your religious duties ofwhichmenstruationandpostpartumbleeding arecrucial parts. Knowledge is now accessible and easily sought when compared to the past. Do not shy away from asking and educating yourself about these matters because one has to seek knowledge about his/her religious duties and what is entitled to them “Allah is not shy (to tell you) the truth”. ‘Aishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said “the best of women are the women of Ansar whose shyness does not hinder them from asking about their religious duties” A practical way for the beginner: The following steps guide you to what you should do if you experience menstruation for the first time (If blood with the previous characteristics comes to you, then do the following): First: tell your sister, mother, or a relative. Second:Refrainfrom praying until you are finished because you are menstruating and the rulings of menstruation apply to you. Third: Start counting your period days from the very hour you bleed, be it a nightor morninghour.For example,if you bleed at nine o’clock this morning, then at nine o’clock the next day, this will be your first day. Fourth: Expect the milky discharge anytime between the moment you bleed till the tenth day of your menstruation. Fifth: If your discharge runs clear between three and ten days, supposedly you experience the milky discharge on the seventh day, then you have to purify and pray. Keep a written record of this time, as it will be your time when your period is over and praying is obligatory in the future. Sixth: If you continue bleeding till the tenth day, wait for two days and then clean and pray. Seventh:If any of the mucous discharges like yellow secretion or murky secretion continues with you till the tenth day, then you have to wait for a day and night (24 hours). After the tenth day, clean yourself and pray. 17 Caution (13): Establishing a regular and fixed time for the menstruation is upon the arrival of the milky discharge at one period since it is a strong, unquestionable indicator for cleanliness. Caution (14): If you normally clean by vaginal dryness instead of the milky discharge, then start anticipating dryness on the fourth day of your period. If you encounter a day on which you completely dry up - let us say the eighth day - then you have to establish this time as your cleanliness time. If the dryness time continues to be fixed with you for three periods in the future, then your period days are eight days. Sheikh Itfish - may Allah rest his soul in Heaven - said: “those who experience milky discharge after menstruation ends stick to their times. But those who do not experience the milky discharge have to keep record of three instances -even if separate- in which they clean by vaginal dryness after the same period of time, then they regard it as their time.” Caution (15): Can we use menstrual suppressants? It is unlawful in Islam to use menstrual suppressants like the Pill without permission from a doctor or having an extenuating reason (like pilgrimage) because stopping the normal menstrual cycle causes harms to women’s health. Asfor those whowantto performhajj (pilgrimage),then it is permissible for them to use these preventives so that they can do all the rituals of hajj in their ascribed manners since hajj is timely constrained. Ibn Omar did not see a reason why women who want to perform hajj should not use menstrualsuppressants to stop their menstruation.Sa'Id bin Mansir narrated that Ibn Omar was asked about a woman who purchased medicine to stop her period so that she could do tawdf, he did not see a problem and sent her the water of Arak’. ' Type of herbs. 18 Type Two: Postpartum Bleeding Q: What is postpartum bleeding? A: It is the blood, which flows from women who have recently given birth (delivered a child) to either a complete or incomplete (miscarried) child. Q: Who is a confined (in childbed) woman? A: She is the woman who has recently given birth to a baby. Q: When does a pregnant woman refrain from praying and fasting? A: A pregnant should not refrain from praying and fasting until part of the baby has actually come out in delivery, be it complete or incomplete (miscarried). Sheikh Itfish - may Allah rest his soul in Heaven - said: “A pregnant does not refrain from praying or fasting until part of the baby has actually comeout in delivery- even without water or blood. Before this happens however, she is neither menstruating nor confined so on what basis does she give up praying and fasting then? Q: For how long does postpartum bleeding last? A:Theshortest period of postpartum bleeding lasts for ten days. The longest is about forty days if the confined woman’s discharge does not run clear beforethe forty daysare completed. UmSalamah said: “In the Prophet’s time, we would confine for forty days if our discharge does not run Clear before that” Q: How long does the waiting period last for postpartum bleeding? A: If the confined woman continues to bleed, then she should wait for three days. However, if she only has mucous discharges, then she waits for a day and a night similar to the waiting period of menstruation. Q: How does a confined woman purify herself from her first postpartum bleeding? A: She should expect her discharge to run clear from the eleventh day to the fortieth day. If her discharge runs clear meanwhile, i.e. between these two times- let us say, she experiences the milky discharge on the thirtieth day, then she is obliged to clean and pray. She considers the thirty days as her 19 postpartum time in the future. She should keep record of this time and make a reference to it in the future. If she completes the forty days and she has not meanwhile seen any signs of cleanliness, she waits for three days after the forty days are over if she still bleeds. However, if after the forty days are over, she experiences mucous discharges, she waits for a day and night. Q:Howdoesan accustomedconfinedwomanpurifyfrompostpartum bleeding? A: An accustomed confined womanis the one who has repeated child deliveriesin the past andshe hasa regular timefor cleanliness.For example, her discharge usually runs clear on the thirtieth day, if she also experiences the milky discharge after thirty days of delivering this time, she cleans herself and prays. If her discharge does not run clear and she still bleeds, then she waits for three days and then cleans. If she has mucous discharges, she waits for a day and night. Women who have no regular time for cleanliness should stick to forty days of confinement. If she continues bleeding after the forty days are over, she should wait for three days and then clean herself and pray. If she has the mucous discharges, she should wait for a day and night. Caution (16) If a confined woman has her discharge run clear before she completes the forty days, she considers this time as her time of cleanliness from postpartum in the future. Q: If a woman miscarries, how long will she confine? A: The postpartum period depends on what the miscarried portion is. If she givesbirthto a completechild,thensheconfinesforfortydaysas demonstrated above. However, if she miscarries and gives birth to an incomplete child, then her postpartum period differs as shown in the table below. 20 Types of miscarriage | Period of pregnancy | Postpartum periods - Tiny (tadpole)40 days.4 days. -Blood clotFrom 41 to 80 days.| 7 days. - EmbryoFrom 81 to 120 days. | 14 days. - Bone without fleshFrom 121 and on...21 days. - Complete baby40 days. Table D Caution (17) The waiting period after each of the above cases lasts for three days if bleeding continues and for a day and night with mucous discharges. Q: Ifa pregnant woman bleeds, what should she do? A: If she is confident she is pregnant and she unexpectedly bleeds, she should ignore this blood and pray. Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him - said: “menstruation and pregnancy do not coincide”. Sheikh Itfish said: “the truth is what is articulated by A'rabi’ —may Allah be pleased with him- who says: “If a woman conceives, then she should not refrain from praying and fasting even if she bleeds” Caution (18) If a woman bleeds and refrains from praying and fasting, then she realizes she is pregnant, she has to make up for the days she did not fast or pray on. This is due to the fact that pregnancy and menstruation do not coincide. Caution(19) If a woman thought she was pregnant but then she started bleeding and she went on praying and fasting, then she came to realize that she was actually menstruating and was not pregnant, she should make up for the days she fasted on thinking it was not menstruation she had. 21 Prohibitions on Menstruation and Postpartum Bleeding Menstruating and confined women are prohibited from doing the following: - Sexualintercourse:TheQur’an,Sunnah(Prophet’steachings)and unanimousagreementof Muslimscholarsconsentto forbiddingsexual intercourse with menstruating and confined women.Allah, the Almighty, says in the Qur’an “They ask you concerning women’s courses. Say: They are a hurt and pollution: so keep away from women in their courses, and do not approachthemuntil theyare clean.Butwhentheyhavepurified themselves, you may approach them as ordained for you by Allah for Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those whokeep themselves pure and clean”. (2: 222) Abu-Hurayrah - may Allah be pleased with him - reports that Prophet Muhammad- peace be upon him - said: “He who has sexual intercourse with a menstruating woman, or in a woman's rear or consults a fortune-teller has denied what is been revealed to Muhammad” peace be upon him. With respectto this matter,a unanimousagreementis reachedthatsexual intercourse with menstruating women is forbidden. If a man intentionally has sex with a menstruating woman, then he has committed a great sin. He should sincerely repent and do penance by paying one dinar if the woman whom he has sex with is still bleeding and half a dinar if she has her mucous discharges. It is worth mentioning that dinar is taken as the equivalent of 4 grams and 250 mg of gold. Ibn Abas narrated that the Prophet - peace be upon him - said: “If it 1s red blood, then a dinar should be paid, if it is yellow blood, then half a dinar should be paid”. Mu7’ad bin Jabal asked the Prophet: "Oh, Prophet, how should I act toward my menstruating wife?" The Prophet - peace be upon him - said: “what is over the wrapper (lower undergarment) is allowed but abstinence is better”. Islamforbidshavingsexwithmenstruatingwomenbecausethis causes physical harm to men, women and children as well. Doctors have 22 extensivelypinpointedtheharmandillnessthat mightresultfrom intercourse with menstruating women. Blood is the best environment for the growth of microbes and germs. -Prayerandfasting: Menstruating and confined womenare obligedto refrain from praying and fasting. They are, however, ordered to make up for the days of fasting. As for praying, they are not obliged to make up for the missed prayers so as not to burden them, as 'Aishah - may Allah be pleased with her - said: “in the Prophet’s time, we would menstruate and make up for fasting but not praying” Caution (20) If a woman bleeds after the time of a certain prayer has started (Maghrib prayer, for instance), she has to make that prayer up as it is her own responsibility. - Walking around the Ka’ba (Tawaf): Menstruating and confined women are forbidden to perform tawaf until they are ritually purified at the end of their periods because tawaf is considered as a form of praying. Praying is restricted to cleanliness. Abdullah bin Ab4s narrated that the Prophet - peace be upon him - said: “When menstruating and confined women come to the appointed place for assuming Ihram (Miqat of Hajj), they wash and assume Ihram, then they participate in all the rituals of pilgrimage except walking around the Ka’ba” -Enteringmosquesandseclusionforworship:Menstruatingand confined woman should not enter mosques; neither do they enter Al-Haram Mosquein Makkahnor the Prophet’s mosque in Al-Madina. UmAtiyah said: “The Prophet - peace be upon him - had ordered women to detach themselves from the Muslims’ place of praying”. Seclusion must be accompanied by fasting. It takes place in a mosque. Given the fact that menstruating womenare not permitted to fast nor to enter mosques,they, thus, refrain from seclusion for worship while they have their periods. - Reciting or touching the Qur’an: Allah, the Exalted, says: “which (the Qur’an) none shall touch but those who are clean”. 23 Jabir bin Zayed said: “Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him — said of those in post-sex ritual impurity, women in their periods and anyone who 1s lacking in ritual purity: “They shall not touch the Qur’an or recite it without being purified”. Studentsandteachersareexcludedfromthisrulingbecause menstruating women are forbidden to recite the Qur’an as a form of worship in thefirst place.However,if theyfearforgettingtheQur’anwhile menstruating, then there is no harm in their reciting the Qur’an.Sheikh ‘Amer Al-Shammakhi in his ‘elucidation book’ said: “menstruating women can perform Dikr (invocation of Allah) and recite the Qur’an”.” No one is prohibited from invoking the Almighty AlJ&h. - Getting divorced: Getting divorced while in the menstruation period is called heresy divorce. It is forbidden in the Sunnah (Prophet’s teachings). Divorce takes place during the period of purity in which the couple have not had sexual intercourse. - Applying cupping or cutting anything off her body (e.g. finger nails): Menstruating and confined women are banned from applying cupping due to their physically weak state, and from cutting their hair and nails because they could not possibly purify these clippings afterwards. - Combing hair, putting Kohl and henna and using Sewak (a wooden brush): As known, these deeds beautify women and entice their husbands to make love with them. Sexual intercourse is forbidden and hence it is advisable for women to refrain from these actions until their periods are Over. 2 The formal legal opinion (fatwa) mostly in use does not sanction recitation of the Qur’an for women in their periods, based on the afore-mentioned Prophet’s saying. However if they get terrified, they are permitted to recite from the Qur’an as much as they may need to relieve their terror. See ‘Fatawa’ by His Eminence Sheikh Ahmed bin Hamed AI Khalili, 2003 - Al Ajyaal, Oman, 3TM edition, book 1, pg 21-23. 24 Combing hair should be excluded from this list, as it is an essential part of cleanliness that has to be done on a regular basis. ? 3 The formal legal opinion mostly in use excludes also brushing the teeth from this ban for the sake of hygiene as well as clipping the fingernails and shaving the body hair if need be. 25 Purification from Menstruation and Postpartum Bleeding Allah says: “and do not approach them until they are clean. But when they have purified themselves, ye may approach them as ordained for you by Allah”.ProphetMuhammad- peacebe uponhim- said:“If menstruation ends, purification is obligatory”. Timeof purification:If the dischargeof a womanrunsclearfrom menstruationand postpartumbleeding (either she experiencesthe milky discharge or vaginal dryness if she normally cleans by it), she has to purify herself before the time for the prayer ends. Example: If her discharge runs clear at 12 noon, she has to purify herself before Duhr prayer ends. Manner of purification: Purification from menstruation and postpartum bleeding is similar to purification done after sexual intercourse. However, someextra stepsare requiredfor the purificationof menstruationand postpartum bleeding: First: Wash hands. Second: Wash away traces of blood from vulva. Third:Havethe intention (not necessaryby sayingout loud)that this purification is done for menstruation and postpartum bleeding. Fourth: Rinse water out of both mouth and nose.| Fifth: Wash hair with water and soap (shampoo, in other words), comb hair and rinse it thoroughly. Then, gather the hair lost, wash it and conceal it, as it 1s a private part. The ruling goes that what you conceal while you still have (your hair as you cover it by scarf) should also be hidden from seeing when it separates and gets lost because of washing. Sixth: Wash the whole body and rub it doing the right parts first and moving to the left sides. Seventh: Do ablution (wudi, more accurately) 'Aishah - may Allzh be pleased with her - narrated that Asma’ bint Yazid asked the Prophet - peace be upon him - about washing out menstruation, he said: 26 - Take your water and nabgq (look at the glossary at the end of the book). - Wash nicely.| - Pour water on the head and rub thoroughly till water reaches the scalp. - Pour water over the whole body. - Take a piece of cloth drenched in musk and clean with it. - Asma’ enquired: how does she clean with the piece of musk cloth? - The Prophet responded: Glory to God! Clean with it. - 'Aishah clarified: wipe along the traces of blood (to get rid of the bad smell). Caution (21) Ibn Abas - may Allah be pleased with him - said: “if a woman purifies after Asr prayer, she prays both Duhr and Asr prayers. If she purifies after Isha, she prays Maghrib and Isha”. Caution (22) If a woman bleeds twice a month, then she is exempted from undoing her hair in every purification process (she does not have to untie it). She undoes it once and leaves it tied later exactly as done to purification from sexual intercourse. Caution(23) If a woman has to wash from sexual intercourse and she bleeds meanwhile (before purification happens), then she should intend to wash from both sexual intercourse and menstruation when she purifies after menstrual bleeding stops. Only one purification for both suffices. Caution (24) If a woman can not wash to purify from sexual intercourse, menstruation and postpartum bleeding, she can alternatively purify herself by with clean earth or sand. If she can not wash her hair, she should first wipe her face and hands with clean earth to substitute for washing the hair and then wash up the rest of her body. 27 Type Three: Prolonged Period The blood flowing because of a prolonged period is red, thin and has no smell. Therefore,it differs from the menstruationblood.Thewomb secrets this blood because of illness (a hemorrhage). Prophet Muhammad- may Allah’s blessings be upon him - said: “the blood of a prolonged period is a vein blood and not menstruation”. He - peace be upon him - also said: “blood of a prolonged period is impure because it is a vein blood; it nullifies ablution (wudi) (renders it void).” A woman who has a prolonged period is the one who continues to bleed in a time which Is not her regular menstruation time. Prolonged period might happento four typesof women—mostly: beginner, accustomed, pregnant and a woman in her menopause. - Beginner: is a woman who in her first menstruation continues to bleed after the tenth day. She should wait for two days after the tenth day. Then, she purifies herself even if blood continues to flow. She prays for ten consecutive days (fifty prayers). If she continues bleeding afterwards, she shall consider herself menstruating based on ImamA’rabi’bin Habib’s- may Allah rest his soul in peace- rule “Any blood seen after praying for ten days is menstruation”. Such women are stricken by the prolonged period. Thus, they refrain from praying for twelve days and pray for ten days till Allah the Almighty relieves them of their suffering. - Accustomed:is a womanwhocontinuesbleedingafterherusual menstruation time is over. She should wait for two days then she purifies and prays till the ten days are over. Afterwards,she considersherself menstruating and refrains from praying during her menstruation period with the waiting time (two days). Then, as this is over, she prays for ten days and so on. - Pregnant: is a woman who bleeds after she conceives. She should not refrain from praying and fasting till she delivers. 28 - Woman in her menopause: is a woman who bleeds after she reaches 60 years of age. As has been established, this woman should not refrain from praying and fasting. Purification from the prolonged period Awomanwhohasa prolongedperiodis obligedto dotwo purifications: obligatory and desirable purification. Obligatory purification: is the purification, by which the woman gets cleaned from menstruation and bound to resume praying. It comprises the same steps of purification from menstruation. Desirable purification: is the purification done before each prayer — during her cleanliness time. Prophet Muhammad-peace be upon him- said to the Ansari woman —Asma’ bint Yazid- when she asked him: Oh Prophet, I bleed extensively. The Prophet said: “Purify, cram cotton there and pray”. Women with prolonged period can postpone Duhr prayer and move Asr prayer forward, so they can pray them together with one purification. They do the same for Maghrib and Ishaa prayers. It is narrated that Sahla bint Suhail had a prolonged period, she then came to the Prophet. He ordered her to purify for each prayer. This has burdened her, so the Prophet asked her to combine Duhr and Asr with one purification and Maghrib and Ishaa with one purification and to purify for Fajr prayer separately. If a woman who has a prolonged period gets sufficed with ablution instead of washing her entire body before each prayer, then this is fine as the Prophet- peace be upon him- said: “a womanwith prolonged period performs ablution for each prayer”. Imam Jabir bin Zayed - may Allah rest his soul in peace - said: “She can pray with that ablution as much as she wants whether obligatory or Nawdfil (supererogatory or extra prayers) as long as she is still in her praying spot. 29 Advice for Women with a Prolonged Period The blood of a prolonged period is a hemorrhage. Womenwho are stricken by prolongedperiodsshouldseek treatmentespeciallyin our present time when medications and treatments are available- All praise is due to Allah. Crucial Rules to Remember (1) The womb secretes three types of blood: ¢ Menstruation: a normal flow of blood that flows from a physically healthy woman. ¢ Postpartum Bleeding: blood flowing after child delivery. ¢ Prolonged period: blood secreting as a result of illness. (2) Age of menstruation: puberty age or around nine years old. (3) Menopause: 60 years of age. (4) Mucous discharges: have the same rules as what comes before them. (5) Basic cleanliness sign: the milky discharge (the whites). (6) A woman who does not experience a milky discharge is cleaned by vaginal dryness. (7) A woman establishes her time of menstruation and postpartum bleeding if experiencing the milky discharge at one period. (8) A woman establishes her time of menstruation and postpartum if cleaning by vaginal dryness after three periods. (9) The milky discharge (the whites) is a strong, unquestionable evidence for cleanliness. (10) A womanshould not look for menstruationflow or clear dischargeherself.Thesearenaturalcycles that flowwithout searching. (11) A day of menstruation and postpartum is 24 hours, 1.e. from a definite hour of menstrual flow on a day to the same hour the next day. 30 (12) A woman establishes a regular time for her menstruation. (13) A woman can take several times for her cleanliness time. (14) Pregnancy and menstruation do not coincide. (15)Anybloodseen after prayingfor ten daysis considered menstruation. (16) Menstruating and confined women refrain from praying and fasting until they have finished. They only make up for fasting. (17)Awomanshouldnotdelaywashingafter herdischarge becomes clear. (18) A man should not have sexual intercourse with his wife until she purifies herself. Clear discharge from menstruation alone does not suffice. Purification with water 1s essential. (19) Whatever a menstruating woman is prohibited from doing; a confined woman 1s also prohibited from doing. (20) Purification from both menstruation and postpartum bleeding has the same procedure. (21) Issues pertaining to blood have five dimensions: A. Times. B.Waitingperiod—sharedbybothbeginnersandthe accustomed. C. Relating menstrual time to relatives’. D. Heavierandlighter menstrualflows: only pertains to the accustomed. E. Irregular bleedings: pertains to beginners. (22) Heavier menstrual flow in both menstruation and postpartum bleeding is established after three times and lighter menstrual flow is established after two times. 3] Table of times TimesLeastMost Menstruation3 days10 days Postpartum Bleeding | 10 days40 days Cleanliness10 days60 days Table E Table of waiting periods Waiting in the menstruationWith blood for two days With mucous discharges for a day and night Waiting in the postpartumWith blood for three days bleedingWith mucous discharges for a day and night Table F 32 Conclusion By Allah’s Grace and His will, this book is complete. I ask Allah to benefit Muslims from it and make this deed exclusively for His sake. If I produce the right, then Allah has blessed me, however, if a flaw is found, then it is because of me and the Devil. I seek forgiveness of Allah. I would appreciate comments and extend thanks 1n advance. Last but not least, All praise is due to Allah with whose guidance good deeds are accomplished. The Author 33 TUITeS ‘snosewulegyes- SV peumueynyy CSI9Cl€‘SSO [BIDUDD -€96]“SV .Wef-[V yeysUrq YeTINpgyv UeUIC ‘ade}IO}]yejos-nqyv SECCCCv[JO ANSIUIP — [86]que LTV wAtyseyH = RWIO UIq peureyNy ‘uoueqa’yIU}Vy-]e ug OfIe8Cc“OSNOH] ISPIIOH -€86]INS-TV fue = peurueyny,] yereqny| \dk3qqiaery OvBeCZ“SSa1q SNOIADIg -676|qigesvy twee -[Vuig .Iqel,.y Weul | youung 34 ‘uouRqay] UONEZITEADYuolje}a1d19}U]Tyserey| 8SpS!I€SSP IOH -p/6]S Tyderiey\-ye-[2 Byeysnpy pouny(asfoy) UBUIC ‘ode}LIOYs] |uo) ChE6£EIZjo ANSI-986]IISfe},VY IISAe].jnsnx peurmeynyyy | adduajuy oded |aseguoyvonqnd OL | Woly | sUIN[OA | UORIp|jo aauld pus ajegyoog1OqINYandor S9IUI1IIJ9Y uouega’]ysgni OLEOLIIC“YWI@4-TV Jed -cL6luoHeoIdI9U] SINjnsnx Ulq pewuueyny| Ture T-[V IpIZIZBLas[V -L961Se -TVwiyeiq] ulg zizejnpqyv eAqry]TH yeunUeyS €9TSLIICZ‘esnoy eMeqd-[V -TL61uonepronyy“TV WV ulg Joury BLIOS[Veye 817902II“SSoid UBIQeIV -LL61sony S.meysE ==[V BSOJY UI [I BUST UCBUIC ‘ose}LIOLIPUTY-[V35 L6€6€IJo ANSIUIY -€861uoreorfIsse[) oyLBSOY] Ul YETINPGV uourges’]ungleqyyHezeyl $668I‘asnoH Weq-[V -pL6l = -Uq] JO SJaMsue aL“TV qnb.ex nqy ydA3qIMeuUel-[Y Tey 6L09I‘ssag YRpeley-[V OyUPEA-TVTV Iqv uig eAyex |ydty ‘uouerqa’] 687IC‘asnoH] 400g -€L61ybry yeuungbeqes pikes sy adud |aseguonvotqnd OL | Woig | sunjoA | uonIpyjo oou|d pue a}eqyoogAOWNYaidoy BISIUN] “eedueulO LvSZIyeweyes-ng -1861wI[snyl Jo ybryJewer-ly wiyerq] BIIO3[V €Z9WII‘Ssolg uBIqeTY -0L61Yyewebns]-[y weyngueypbex-nqy wiryeiq] }dA3q$}09S MO}wizer Lt7l = «IZI¢‘9SNOH YOO -0S6] = 94}. 0} Butpro0ooe Ybry“TV ueuryerinpqy BLIOS[V 98bl‘sSolg UeIqeIY -996]yeumuypurey|iInjeg ulq wryesq] BLos[V36 Or82‘SSaIg UBIQRIV -996]WeMY-[V bereTEUIQ Ug YeILg UeUIC ‘ode}UOH 69OVIIJOANSIUNA, -€L61Ulueyy-ynpbi,-Ty= ruyeg-sy yerinpqy UeUIC ‘ade}LIDH OvzClIIJo ANSIUIP] -€86Tjeury -Ty sue.WlTUT -sy YeIINpqy ydABq ‘ssoigSIOUIW pure soIseqysiyyy OStSEZIISnolAald “H 8pelsAtsuayaidwioo ay, «= Jnsn4X ulq peuruetny aded |aseguonvsiyqnd OL | Wo1g | sUIN[OA | BONIpY |Jo sould pus ajeqyoog1oqjnyado] BLios[Ysouepinyy ZSbbwigI‘SSdlq UBIqeIY -C86]pue ybiy-Tvqeysi {leqjeg37 BIpnesTeq-[V vTW EGTV “p86 = SQWOM jo apAD sy =HTW peumueynyy “Iq liezelTy ‘ssolg C8 IIuviqely -€861-C86lsemjey S Uyeg-1VHyeq uguryernpqy yelremeuny| “TV YeulpeW-[VUSO AAUIWSYIO I‘AUSIOAIUL) SUL S861Ul spoo[g [eImeN“TV peumueynyy ased | odeguonvalqnd OL | Woig | swnjo, | uonIpyjo aoujd pus ajegyoogs,JOWNYdidoy, Appendix of Cautions | CautionTopic| Pg| 1What does a woman do to determine if she has,5 _ menstruation?. 2What are the rulings of mucous discharges after the.8 . days of menstruation are over? 3If a woman who normally cleans by dryness gets the9 _whites, ... 4Is causing menstruation and milky discharge to flow9 lawful?: 5' How 1s a day of menstruation calculated?11 6‘Shoulda womanrememberhertimeof 11 -menstruation?| 7What should a woman who has doubts about her12 times do?: 8“When does the waiting period begin and how is it - 13 » calculated? 9- If a woman is on the waiting period and she still13 bleeds, what should she do if experiencing mucous discharges? 10If a woman is on the waiting period and she has 13 mucous discharges, what should she do if she - bleeds? 11.~—_- Should a woman make up for the prayers of the days16 ‘ she has established as her period time? 12+#Rulingspertainingtoirregularintermittent16 bleedings.: 13How is time calculated with the milky discharge?_18 14.— Howdoes a womanwhodoesn’t experience the18 . milky discharge clean? 15Is using menstrual suppressants lawful?18 16-: Ifadischarge of a confined woman runs clear before20 _ the forty days are over, what should she do? 38 17Waiting during the postpartum bleeding resulting21 _ from miscarriage 18|= How does a woman react if she bleeds and then21 realizes she is pregnant? 19| Howdoesa womanreactif she thinks she is’ 21 _pregnant but realizes she is menstruating?: 20 — lf a woman bleeds after the time of any prayer has23 “ come, what should she do? 21 _;If a woman purifies after ‘Asr or ‘Ishaa prayers, 27 - what should she do?; 22-Should a woman who bleeds twice a month untie her27 * hair when washing?: 23What should a woman do if she bleeds after sexual27 _ intercourse?; 24What does a woman do if she can’t wash her hair?27 Appendix of Tables |Tables.TopicsPel Table(A) ofnon-menstrual ‘Type onebloods=st~«S Table (B): Type two of non-menstrual bloods°7 Table (C): Irregular and intermittent bleedings15 Table (D)< Postpartum bleeding resulting from miscarriage21 Table (E)Times32 Table (F)Waiting. 32 39 Glossary l.Abu Da’iid: one of the compilers of hadith, the traditions of the Prophet (PBUH). 2.Ansar:the companionsof the Prophet (PBUH)fromthe inhabitants of Al- Madina who embraced Islam, supportedit and who received and entertained the Muslim emigrants from Makkah and other places. 3.Dinar: an ancient gold coin. 4.Figh: Islamic jurisprudence. 5.Ghus!: a bath with running water. 6.Hadith: the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH), often referred to as “ The Traditions” 7.‘iddah: Allah’s prescribed waiting period for a woman after divorce or death of her husband, after the expiry of which she can remarry another person (see the Qur’4n, Surat 65) 8.Izar: A sheet worn below the waist to cover the lower half of the body. 9.Kohl: antimony eye powder. 10.Mahram:a man whom a woman can never marry because of close relationship (e.g. a brother, a father, an uncle); or her own husband. 11.Miqat: one of the several places specified by the Prophet (PBUH) for the people to assume Ihram at, on their way to Makkah, when intending to perform pilgrimage. 12.Mustahadah:a woman who has bleeding from the womb between her normal periods. 13.Nabg: a tree over 7" heaven near Paradise (the late tree of utmost boundary). 14.Shar?’ah:literally, “the way”;the code of life of Islam, based on the Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah. 40 15.Sunnah: the practice of the Prophet consisting of what he himself did, recommended or approved in others. 16.Tawaf:circumambulation or encircling the Kabbahwhile praising and supplicating God, one of the essential rites of Hajj and Umrah. 17.Wudia’: ablution, which is washing the fact and hands up to the elbows, wiping the hands and ears with wet fingers and washing the feet up to the ankles for the purpose of offering prayers or doing circumambulation around the kabbah. 18.| Wrapper:theequivalentfor thisin Englishwouldbe loincloth or waistcloth. Modern perspective would of course call this underwear or panties or undergarment. 4] About the Translator KhalsaHamedAl- Aghbariworksas a lecturer in the Departmentof English, College of Arts and Social Sciences at Sultan Qaboos University. She has a Master’s degree in Theoretical Linguistics from the University of Victoria, Canada. Her Bachelor’s is the English Language from the College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University.She is interested in Translation Studies, Linguistics and Languages in general. 42 (YeV1e): V Elny/ aly a-aot Lagiabees pt anpress@omantel.nelom.YEOW Ns : oy yaals