THE OVERWHELMING TRUTH A Discussion of Some Key Concepts in Islamic Theology by His Eminence . Shaykh Ahmad b. Hamad al-Khalili Grand Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman THE OVERWHELMINGTRUTH: A Discussion of Some Key Concepts in Islamic Theology by His Eminence Shaykh Ahmad b. Hamad al-Khalili Grand Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman The Overwhelming Truth First Edition 2002 Copyright © Ministry of Awgaf and Religious Affairs, P.O. Box : 3232, Postal Code : 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in a review, this book, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Ministry of Awgaf and Religious ffairs. ISBN 9948-03-035-4 Contents Preface5 THE FIRST DISCUSSION: ON SEEING ALLAH 21 Introduction 22 Chapter 1 Differences among the wmah on the possibility of seeing Allah and its actually happening23 Chapter 2 On the evidence of those who affirm the seeing 29 Evidence for the possibility of seeing Allah 29 Evidence from the Book 30 Evidence from the Sunnah 34 Evidence for its actually happening 37 Evidence from the Book 37 Evidence from the Sunnah 49 Chapter 3 On the evidence of those who deny seeing 58 Proofs and evidence from the Book 59 Evidence from the Sunnah 78 Conclusion: The outcome of the Discussion 82 THE SECOND DISCUSSION: ON THE QUR’AN’S BEING CREATED85 Introduction86 Chapter 1 On the differences among the #mah on the revealed Word being eternal or created 91 Chapter 2 On the clash of opinions of those who believe in the Quran’s being eternal (not-created) 107 Chapter 3 On the evidence of those who deny the creation of the Quran 129 Chapter 4 On the evidence of those who believe in the Qur4an’s being created 137 Rational evidence 137 Evidence from the Quran139 Evidence from the Sunnah150 Conclusion 152 THE THIRD DISCUSSION: ON THE PERMANENT STAYING IN THE FIRE OF THOSE WHO COMMIT MAJOR SINS 155 Introduction 156 Chapter 1 On the dispute about permanency of the Garden and the Fire 158 Chapter 2 On the arguments of those who believe in the end of the punishment161 1The verses from the Quran162 2