Studies in Ibadhism
Studies in Ibadhism
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Thesis for the Ph.D. D. degree, Cambridge University, (Dir.) Robert Bertram Serjeant, 1971.
Special rules for the different stages of politico religious situations were formed at an early stage according to which the Ibadhi community had to maintain its existence.
There remains a great deal to be done to form a clearer picture of the Ibadhi communities and their development in different fields of activity. Very little is known about the present situation in the various Ibadhi countries and these Ibadhi communities need close study. There is still also a large body of original Ibadhi works on theology, history and to their files of knowledge which deserves attention, and an extensive amount of new material awaits patient examination and thorough inspection in order to have a more complete view of the Ibadhi school.

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